Sončni mrk
Eclipse / SL / Anthony Bonello / 31′/ 2015 / Kanada
27. 12. 2015 ob 18:00
To je bila nora ideja že od samega začetka. Potovati na konec sveta, da bi z Arktike opazovali popolni sončni mrk. Ob veliki verjetnosti za slabo vreme, ki bi skrivalo sonce, ter nizke temperature in veter,so bile možnosti za uspeh majhne. A vsemu navkljub se je ekipa Salomonovih smučarjev in filmarjev odpravila na ekspedicijo, da uresniči veliko vizijo fotografa Reubena Krabbeja: da posnamejo nekoga smučati med sončnim mrkom.
Anthony Bonello brings a honed style of storytelling that transports viewers beyond geography to convey the feel of a place and it’s people. The founder of b4apres Media, he independently directed and produced the documentaries AZADI:Freedom and STAND which have both won numerous awards internationally while screening in over 30 countries. Anthony has worked with Switchback for a number of years and joined the team exclusively in 2013 for their first feature documentary SNOWMAN. Anthony is also a published freelance writer and photographer.