Suri / N / Pavol Barabaš / 65′ / 2015 / Slovaška
28. 12. 2015 ob 18:00
Avanturistično potovanje na nepoznani afriški reki nas vodi do svojstvenega plemena Surijev. Med popotovanjem spoznamo ljudstvo, ki je odločeno, da se bori za svoje tradicije in svoj način življenja. Film Suri razmišlja o njihovi prihodnosti ter o veliki krizi izumiranja različnih kultur. Različnost kultur pa je nujna za preživetje civilizacije v globaliziranem svetu.
Pavol Barabáš (1959) is the author of a large-scale of mountain-oriented and adventure films about peoples’ survival in extreme conditions. His films were shot in inaccessible wilderness, on wild rivers and glacial peaks, as well as in deep caves far away from civilization. He likes to look for stories the heroes of which go beyond their limits. He is fascinated by encounters with different cultures and he is mostly attracted by the territories of Tibetan Buddhism, as well as the lands of natural people hidden deep in the jungle. His films present the manner in which man should treat the Earth. They emit love and respect for nature, enormous mental power and moral conscience.
Story: Pavol Barabáš
Expedition members: Ivan Bulík, Pavol Barabáš, Miro Dušek, Maťo Fabiánek, Tomáš Lukačovič
Music: Martin Barabáš
Narrated by: Robert Roth
Sound: Martin Merc
Editing: Róbert Karovič
Photography: Pavol Barabáš
K2 studio