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Events 2015 / 2016

26. 12. 2015 Stergulc house

at 17:00

Fotoexibition opening / Rooftop spectacle / Artist: Jošt Gantar

Jošt homepage: http://www.jostgantar.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jostgantarphoto

26. 12. 2015 Stergulc house

at 20:00

When kayak and ecoactivism met…

Guest speaker: Rok Rozman, biolog, activist / »Balkan’s river fight« + Movie


28. 12. 2015 Stergulc house

at 20:00

Everyone can live their dream…

Everyone can live their dream  / Jure Breceljnik – In memoriam movie

Snow groomer’s Diary / E / Jure Breceljnik / 27′  2010 / Slovenia

More about JURE BRECELNJIK: http://www.filmit.si/

Price giving ceremony: 9. BOFF 2015

Guest speaker / Janez Gradišar, alpinist, legend / “Yosemite 1973″

1st Slovenian climbing expedition to El Capitam _ Yosemite valley in 1973!

Members: Janez Gradišar (AAO leader), Dovžan Janez  and Miha Smolej (AO Mojstrana),  Janez Lončar and Dušan Srečnik (AO Tržič),  Nejc Zaplotnik (AO Kranj)


BOOKS stand  (Didakta, Planiska Zveza Slovenije, Sidarta),

Discount prices!



Mežica, Kulturni dom, (KOFF)_  22. januar 2016