Schedule 2015
26. 12. 2015 Stergulc house
Exhibition opening/ Jošt Gantar, photography / Slovenia
Festival opening: 9th BOFF 2015
Sailing Arctica Norway 2015 / SS / Igor Stropnik / 9′ / 2015 / Slovenia
When the mountains were wild / N / Johannes Hoffmann / 19′ / 2015 / Austria, Albania
Space Walk , Sella Nevea / SS / Livio Sadoch / 6′ / 2015 / Italy
Untouched project – Counting days / SS, OM / Matej Gostinčar / 15′/ 2015 / Slovenia
First ascent – Kunyang chhish East / SL / Matteo Vettorel / 37′ / 2014 / Italy
When the kayak and ecoactivism met…
Guest speaker / Rok Rozman, biologist, activist / »Balkan’s rivers fight« + Movie
Kayak Expedition Nepal ’14 / SL / Andrej Bijuklič / 16′ / 2015 / Slovenia
Ladies night…
Shades of Winter: BETWEEN, Festival Edit 2015 / SS / Sandra Lahnsteiner / 8′ / 2015 / Austria
K2 Touching the sky / SL / Eliza Kubarska / 73′ / 2015 / Poland, UK, Germany
27. 12. 2015, Stergulc house
Water circle / N / Ciril Mlinar Cic/ 5′ / 2015 / Slovenia
Bluetopia / SS / Simon Blair, Pete Wyllie/ 15′ / 2015 / Australia
Wingsuit vs highline / SS / Giordano Garosio / 2,5′/ 2015 / Italy
The Boxer / SS / Harri Grace / 7′/ 2015 / UK
Mutation At The Summit / SS / Damien Artero / 10′/ 2015 / France
Eclipse / SL / Anthony Bonello / 31′/ 2015 / Canada
Passenger / SL / Andre Nutini, David Peakock / 65′ / 2015 / Avstria
Why? / SS / Rok Rozman / 12′ / 2015 / Slovenia
Tepui Dream / N / Miroslav Haluza / 26′ / 2015 / Czech Republic
REEL ROCK 10: A Line Across the Sky / SL / Josh Lowell , Peter Mortimer / 40′/ 2015 / U.S.A.
Into the Light / SL / Jochen Schmoll / 24′/ 2014 / Oman
Degrees North / SL / Guido Perrini / 54′ / 2015 / Switzerland
28. 12. 2015, Stergulc house
On the nose / SS, OM / Slavc Bakše / 6′ / 2014 / Slovenia
SLO 3 Days / SS, OM / Tadej Demšar / 5′ / 2015 / Slovenia
Linda Paluc: Ponytail Trails, A way to spend the day / SS, OM / Mitja Kodrič / 5′ / 2015 / Slovenia
Making waves / SS, OM / Harri Grace / 8′ / 2015 / U.K.
REEL ROCK 10: High and Mighty / SL / Nick Rosen, Peter Mortimer, Josh Lowell / 20′/ 2015 / U.S.A.
Panaroma / SL / Jon Herranz / 28′ / 2015 / Spania
Suri / N / Pavol Barabas / 65′ / 2015 / Slovakia
20:00 *
Everyone can live their dream…
Everyone can live their dream / Jure Breceljnik – In memoriam movie
Snow groomer’s Diary / E / Jure Breceljnik / 27′ 2010 / Slovenia
Price giving ceremony: 9. BOFF 2015
Guest speaker / Janez Gradišar, alpinist, legend
Mala Boka / SS / Davide Antonini / 18′ / 2015 / Italy
The Frozen Titans / SL / Bryan Smith / 24′ / 2014 / Canada
REEL ROCK 10: Showdown at Horseshoe Hell / SL / Zachary Barr, Peter Mortimer, Nick Rosen / 20′ / 2015 / U.S.A.
People choice award
SS– Sport and action short (competition)
SL – Sport and action long (competition)
N – Nature and ecology ( competition)
C – Commercial
E – Era
OM – Also recommended for young audience
* – free of entrance (sponsor Kaskader d.o.o.)